Endovenous Laser Ablation

Hawaii, Neighbor Island VenaCure Endovenous Laser Ablation | Maui Vascular SurgeryWhat is an EVLT?
An Endovenous Laser Treatment (EVLT) is preformed by inserting a laser fiber directly inside the faulty vein. The laser delivers a precise dose of energy into the vein wall, collapsing it. This process seals the diseased vein and diverts blood flow to nearby functional veins. Resulting in an increase in circulation, which significantly reduces the symptoms of varicose veins and improves their surface appearance.

What are the benefits over other procedures?
Using the new AngioDynamics 1470nm Laser System, the VenaCure EVLT uses a revolutionary NeverTouch® gold-tip laser fiber. This innovative fiber “never touches” the vein wall resulting in less bruising and faster recovery overall.

When used to treat medical symptoms such as swelling and poor circulation, VenaCure EVLT treatment is usually reimbursed by health insurance. Contact your insurer to determine coverage.

With more than 70,000 procedures performed and more than 60 published clinical articles documenting the VenaCure EVLT treatment efficacy over the last five years, this system is a proven alternative to invasive surgery. To determine if the VenaCure EVLT procedure is a viable treatment for you, see Dr. Waterford for a free vein screening.

Maui Vascular Surgery | Eastern Island |Hawaii Island VenaCure EVLTHow long does it take?
The VenaCure EVLT (Endovenous Laser Treatment) generally takes less than one hour in a doctor’s office and offers immediate relief with minimal-to-no scarring. Patients can usually resume normal activities immediately with minimal or no pain. The success rate is as high as 98%.

Are there any side effects?
Side effects are minimal and can be managed with over-the-counter medications such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen. These may include mild bruising and tenderness that usually disappear within a few weeks, and a delayed tightness within the first week after treatment. This “pulling” sensation confirms that the veins were destroyed.