52592288_sDr. Randy Waterford is a Stanford Medical School graduate who has been trained and certified in multiple specialties relevant to vein and vascular care.

He’s also one of the Islands’ most experienced vein specialists so he can determine if your leg pain, restless legs, bulging varicose veins, or heavy feeling in your legs has been caused by vein disease, then offer a customized solution.

Listen to our Maui radio commercial:

Then call Waterford Vein Institute of Hawaii on Maui at 808-871-8346 (VEIN) to make an appointment for a vein evaluation. Experience world-class personalized care with Dr. Randy Waterford and his staff.

Veins and vessels. It’s what we do. It’s ALL we do. Every day at the Waterford Vein Institute of Hawaii.

Copyright: netsay / 123RF Stock Photo