39900693_sDr. R. Randolf Waterford and his staff at Waterford Vein Institute of Hawaii are pleased to say “Happy Father’s Day” to all the Dads throughout the State of Hawaii.

Men comprise approximately 1/3 of our practice, so we’ve treated hundreds of males over the years for a wide variety of vein disease symptoms. But whether you’re a Dad or not, you can have painful, embarrassing varicose veins or unsightly spider veins at any time.

If your legs throb with pain, if they’ve become restless at night, if they feel tired or “heavy”, these are among the symptoms of venous insufficiency. Also known as vein disease, this is not simply a cosmetic issue. Vein disease is a progressive medical condition that can get worse over time.

Now is the perfect time to call Waterford Vein Institute of Hawaii at (808) 871 – VEIN (8346) to make an appointment with Dr. R. Randolf Waterford for a free vein screening. Dr. Waterford is a Quadruple Certified Vein & Vascular Specialist with decades of experience in treating venous insufficiency.

Please call Dr. Waterford now to start a conversation on how you can find lasting relief, improve the looks of your legs, and have healthy legs again, especially if you have bulging, painful varicose veins. We are hosting free vein screenings in June at our three offices: one on Maui, one in Hilo and one in Kona.

Best of all, most varicose vein treatments at Waterford Vein Institute of Hawaii are covered by your insurance.

Copyright: ivaleksa / 123RF Stock Photo