Injection Sclerotherapy
The number of sessions required depends on the depth, number, and size of the veins being treated. The procedure takes an hour or less to begin to resolve cosmetic and comfort concerns. While some patients are happy with the results after just one treatment, others may desire further injections. Most insurance providers do not cover cosmetic procedures such as spider vein sclerotherapy. Patients can determine the number and cost of treatments by discussing their situation with Dr. Waterford.
Normal activities may be resumed immediately, though strenuous exercise should be avoided for a few days. Secondary treatments, if needed, should be scheduled four to six weeks following the initial treatment.
Because spider veins can be a chronic condition, new ones can form in the future. However, because the initial treatment is so thorough, any newly formed veins tend to be less severe. A simple touch-up treatment can help you enjoy your life free from unsightly, uncomfortable veins.
Injection sclerotherapy is not used for very large veins. We will offer the best treatment for each individual’s vein problem to get the best long-term result.

Results may vary.
Results may vary.

– Lilywood M.