Dr. 12806239_993483507392497_5091012088457085153_nR. Randolph Waterford is proud to be a Board-Certified member of the American College of Phlebology. The ACP is dedicated exclusively to the evaluation and management of disorders of the veins.

Because of that, Dr. Waterford wants to remind you that March is Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) Awareness Month at Waterford Vein Institute of Hawaii.

Here are some important facts everyone should know about the risks of DVT and other vein disorders:

  • Deep Vein Thrombosis is the formation of a blood clot in a deep vein, most commonly in the legs, causing partial or complete blockage of circulation.
  • An estimated 250 people a day die from blood clots that travel to the lungs.
  • Deep vein clots very commonly lead to long-term leg problems such as ulcerations, skin damage and swelling.
  • Clots occur most commonly during periods of inactivity such as travel and while ill from other causes.
  • Roughly 25 million people are affected with vein (also known as venous) disorders in the U.S., making it among the most prevalent disease processes in most industrialized nations.
  • Visible signs of vein disease include: spider veins, varicose veins and open sores on the legs.
  • Vein disease can sometimes cause discomfort in the legs, such as: pain, aching, tiredness, heaviness, swelling and cramping.
  • Lives can be saved when deep veins clots are treated early with blood thinners.

Vein care practitioners like Dr. Waterford are uniquely qualified to assess patients for signs of Deep Vein Thrombosis and determine your risks for vein disease.

For more information about DVT or to make an appointment for a FREE Vein Screening during March, call Waterford Vein Institute of Hawaii today at (808) 871-VEIN (8346) or take this online vein self-assessment.