Proactive Prevention

Joe Knapp of Jay, Marine was 14 years old when he was hit head-on by a car while he was riding a bicycle. The accident fractured his left femur at the proximal one-third of the bone and put him in traction for a week. Femur rodding was a new procedure at the time, but...

4 Reasons to Ask your Physician About Veins

Here are just 4 reasons to talk to a doctor about veins: Legs often feel tired or heavy- These are two of the most common (and early) symptoms of a vein problem. Intense leg fatigue at the end of the day is a sign. Heaviness is usually a result of mild swelling due to...

Veins & Feet

Whether you’re standing still, running to your next appointment, or dancing the salsa, think about how much time you spend on your feet. Most Americans log 75,000 miles on their feet before they reach age 50, according to the American Medical Podiatric Association...

Healthy Veins for Winter

Varicose vein and spider vein treatments tend to be more prominent in the winter months. Winter tends to be a better time of year for those who experience problems with venous disease as the heat of summer typically causes the veins to dilate and stretch. This will...