Difference Between Varicose And Spider Veins

Varicose veins are described as large, raised, swollen blood vessels that develop in the legs and can be seen through the skin. They can twist and turn up and down the legs, and are unsightly and embarrassing. According to www.webmd.com, spider veins are smaller red,...

Seniors & Veins

Older adults should consider the health of their veins. Paying attention to venous health is an important aspect of successful aging – and one that has historically gone untreated. “Many seniors have been told that heavy, aching legs are a normal part of aging, but...

Sclerotherapy in Review

Since the FDA approved radiofrequency endovenous ablation in 1999, the therapies and techniques used to treat venous disease have continued to make great strides. Sclerotherapy in Review Sclerotherapy is used to treat spider veins and varicose veins by injecting a...

Exercise & Varicose Veins

If you already have a pre-existing venous condition such as venous insufficiency or varicose veins, exercising can be painful! There are some exercises that are more likely to worsen varicose veins as well. It is important to see a specialist regarding any changes or...