iStock_000013893723SmallIf you already have a pre-existing venous condition such as venous insufficiency or varicose veins, exercising can be painful! There are some exercises that are more likely to worsen varicose veins as well. It is important to see a specialist regarding any changes or discomfort.

Exercise is part of a healthy routine and lifestyle, so rather than avoiding exercise, be smart about how you work out. These types of exercises will help strengthen your legs without a strong risk of developing varicose veins. To learn more about Exercising and Varicose Veins, please speak with your vein specialist.

  1. Do exercises that keep your legs even or higher than your heart
    1. Gravity has a huge pull on the formation of varicose veins. Keeping your legs at the same height or higher than your heart during a workout will help to take off the extra pressure that can be put on leg veins during exercising.
  2. Keep Breathing Even & Consistent
    1. Many people find breathing more difficult and even strained during physical activity, especially weight lifting. Holding your breath increases your blood pressure, which is horrible for varicose veins. Full and even breaths will help keep your blood pressure more consistent, decreasing the pressure on the veins.
  3. Wear Compression Stockings
    1. Next time you go for a run or hit the gym, don’t forget your compression stockings. These can help strengthen your veins and help to prevent varicose veins.